Is it possible that I'm the same person inside that I was when I was 15, open to the wide world, more feelings than I knew what to do with?
Am I the same girl I was when I wore my first wool sweater during my freshman year of college, just learning what winter was about?
The same girl who decided to go to Africa because she saw a rainbow? Who has moved boxes and boxes of books across the country? Who had shoes made for her in Vietnam by someone who traced her feet onto a sheet of paper?
Yes, yes, yes!
And that same girl is a day older every day, but still mostly the same. Still thinks her cat might be the best company. Still looking for the right way to spend her work day. Still needs her family.
And that girl will be 30. I'll live in the same apartment for a second year - first time ever. I'll take care of myself. I'll get married!
Happy birthday! Love the sentiments.